March 17, 2009

Painting in Progress: A Big Fan

I'm working on a variation of the vintage electric fan. I've added a few more shapes to the composition and will be adding several layers of glazes focusing on the surface of the glasses and fan. Fascinating, huh? If you want to see some simply beautiful still life with geometric shapes, check out the work of Volkert Olij.

After this piece, I'm going to be working smaller. When I started this fan, I thought it would be easier than the typewriter, but the truth is the typewriter has so many tiny little details that you can sort of wing it.

March 12, 2009

Painting in Progress: 1:00, 2:00, 3:00

Here's another piece in progress. I'm calling it "1:00, 2:00, 3:00". I'm positive it will be complete during the next sitting. It's resting on a self in the studio, by the door leading to what once was a balcony. Someone closed it off in the 1950s. I'd like to expand it into a sitting room one day. Right now it serves as storage.

The second photo is of me hard at work on the typewriter.

March 10, 2009

Painting in Progress: Underwood Typewriter

I thought I'd share a photo, a glimpse into my work space. This is another painting of the old Underwood in progress. I'm tackling the keys today, a great way to ruin ones posture is to sit for 3 hours straight, hunched over moving across the canvas, inch by inch. In a few months, I'll share the completed painting once it's hanging at the gallery for the exhibition in June.