March 12, 2009

Painting in Progress: 1:00, 2:00, 3:00

Here's another piece in progress. I'm calling it "1:00, 2:00, 3:00". I'm positive it will be complete during the next sitting. It's resting on a self in the studio, by the door leading to what once was a balcony. Someone closed it off in the 1950s. I'd like to expand it into a sitting room one day. Right now it serves as storage.

The second photo is of me hard at work on the typewriter.

March 10, 2009

Painting in Progress: Underwood Typewriter

I thought I'd share a photo, a glimpse into my work space. This is another painting of the old Underwood in progress. I'm tackling the keys today, a great way to ruin ones posture is to sit for 3 hours straight, hunched over moving across the canvas, inch by inch. In a few months, I'll share the completed painting once it's hanging at the gallery for the exhibition in June.

March 6, 2009

I'm Getting Older

I need to take breaks, frequently, from the easel. Stepping away, focusing on something else, then taking a glance over my shoulder to the easel to see if the past hour or so was a complete waste. I used to take it pretty hard when the painting was struggling. I used to think everything needed to be fixed now, but I've learned that it's wiser to wait about 24 to 48 hours to pass. I no longer experience the feeling of wanting to stick my foot through the canvas. I think I must be getting older.

I'm lucky to be doing what I do. Those nasty news headlines about hundreds of thousands of people losing their jobs, joining the millions that already have... well, I guess no matter what, I won't lose this painter life.

At the bank, I was cornered by the well meaning manager. Several brochures were lunged in to my reluctant hands and questions about my retirement were posed. I just finished telling her I was a painter, an artist, you know, like back in the olden days. I won't retire. I'll keep doing the same thing until the bitter end. And I already save so I'm not worried and that's because I'm really cheap, just ask my wife.

That did not compute with banker. Artist does not understand the rules.